Authenticity and genetic traceability in plants, example of figs

Genetic traceability in plants, example of figs: Presentation in COMET* by Dr. Philippe *Cosmetic Measurement & Testing (February 6-7 2019 – Cergy, France, Plants are one of the most important terrestrial organisms. Many plant species are interesting for their biological properties. This diversity is widely used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. However, risks…

Genetic analyses to identify citrus species

In winter, the seasonal fruits are citrus fruits. This plant group is composed of many botanical species ( Currently, their consumption is increasing because of their virtues and benefits on the human health ( However, there are many frauds and adulterations in citrus products. Consumers are increasingly responsive to their products composition. They are looking…

Honey composition analysis

Honey composition analysis, a quality product

Today, honey is used by a large number of consumers in its raw state or through processed products from the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. However, in recent years, honey production in France has decreased: for example in 2017 when a decrease of 18.31% compared to 2015 was observed. Conversely, consumption remains stable, at around…

DNA Gensee at the 30th IFSCC congress

IFSCC congress DNA Gensee, the algae and plants biotechnology laboratory went to the 30th IFSCC congress in Munich from September 18th to 21th 2018. This year theme was “Cosmetics : science for beauty and liefestyle”. This theme, in perfect harmony with DNA Gensee’s activities, highlighted exciting topics. The opening ceremony focused on environmental protection. Dr. Dirk…

Her Majesty Rose : her history and her DNA

Since Antiquity, the rosebush is king of the decorative plants. At the end of 19th Century, in France, the hybridization of an European rosebush with a Chinese rosebush gave birth to the modern rosebushes. Stemming from numerous crossings, the genus Rosa counts today more than 400 species and hybrids. Estimated for their perfume and the…

Identifying Ulex in a CO2 extract thanks to genetics

Thanks to a great collaboration between DNA Gensee, Codif Technologie Naturel and Clarins, the article “new genetic approach to identify Ulex species in CO2 extract” was published in Houseold & Personal care (Vol13(3) May-Jun 2018). This article demonstrates the power of barcoding and metabarcoding to authenticate and trace Ulex europaeus in a CO2 extract. You…

Biodiversity: a challenge for the future

Definition of biodiversity: The biodiversity is a word that indicates in the etymological sense, the diversity of living organisms at several levels, in ecosystems and species, but also genetic diversity within the same species. Currently, this term is also widely used to designate the species specific to different parts of the globe. Biodiversity nowadays: Now,…

Iris botanic genetic

Iris : botanic and genetic

Iris : botanic and genetic 1. Botanic (1–3) Iris is a genus of flowering plants whose botanical classification is described in the table below :   Kingdom Plantae – Plantes    Class Liliopsida – Monocotyledons        Order Liliales          Family Iridaceae             Genus Iris   This genus contains about 230 accepted species including Iris pallida Lam,…

DNA Gensee, at In-Cosmetics congress

From 17 to 19 April 2018, DNA Gensee will be present at the international In-Cosmetics exhibition in Amsterdam, stand L105 ( Nicole Giraud and Nelly Dubrulle will be happy to welcome you and to present you the authenticity of the raw materials and the traceability through the DNA of the plants. Contact Mrs Nicole Giraud,…